Vintage clothing is described by Trudie Bamford, author of Viva Vintage (Carroll and Brown) and clothing made between 1920 and 1970. Anything before 1920 is old and nothing after it is retro. Although many people use the vintage as a term to describe the clothes are not new. The popularity of vintage clothing is now huge with a large number of people who have at least some vintage clothing items and some people only ever with vintage clothing. Celebrities have fueled the popularity of vintage clothing using vintage designers such as Julia Roberts' vintage Valentino dress, worn for the Oscars in 2001. Oasis in the High Street and Next have created there own vintage-inspired clothing with similar styles and colors, like different clothes from different eras of fashion.
The popularity of vintage clothing is probably due to three factors. The individuality of the pieces of time is a real attraction for many people. The range of clothes on the street almost always follows seasonal trends. It is much less likely to see someone with the same or similar equipment if you wear vintage clothing. Many use a key piece of vintage clothing or accessory to a suit bought on the street an individual touch. Vintage clothing has also proved popular as they love the style of a lady beautiful, delicate and detailed information can be found in buying vintage clothing. Many lovers of vintage clothing are very interested in the history of fashion and vintage clothing search is an interesting hobby.
Key looks, such as Dior, 1940 New Look designer inspired and often high-street collections and current carrying vintage clothing have the advantage of using the "real thing". Finally, the beauty of vintage clothing is often in the quality of the garment. Vintage clothing that has stood the test of time and has managed to stay on reasonable terms and laptops usually higher quality than mass-produced a lot of clothes today. Garments manufactured prior to 1960 is probably natural material and handmade quality silk and wool is used as the man and synthetic materials were not available. Styles and clothing trends have not changed as often as it does today so clothes were made to last.
Buy vintage clothing business can be a long time. Find the right spot takes time. There are many shops specializing in vintage clothes, charity shops and flea markets are also a good base for hunting. The Internet offers an excellent resource for vintage clothing. eBay is a treasure for vintage clothing and you can often get a bargain if you look hard enough. There are also many online stores that make it easier times to find the item you are looking for, but is likely to charge a little more for the privilege.
A word of warning, there are some key pitfalls to consider when buying vintage clothing. Do not rely on the description of automatically starting vendors. Verify that the age of objects, such as metal zippers and plastic buttons instead of before 1950, the clothing, with a care label instructions will be after 1970. When buying vintage design will have to do your research to make sure the item you are buying is authentic. It is also important to consider the quality of the vintage clothing you would like to buy. When shopping online will not be able to evaluate the quality of what key questions to ensure you are satisfied with your purchase. Due to the nature of vintage clothing, which will be in varying conditions. The wear can range from easy to fix the tear along a seam or a small moth hole patches of underarm sweat less desirable.
Finally size can present a problem when buying vintage clothing. Sizes have changed much in recent years and an element of size 12 from the 1950's may be the equivalent of one side of 6 or 8 now. It is also possible that the clothes have been reduced in the wash so it's even smaller than expected. If you can not discuss the issue on the use of a tape measure to measure yourself and ask the seller to do the same with clothes.
When you manage to find the point of time that you really love beautiful, looks great. Check the type of material and find out how to clean. In case of doubt required for a professional cleaner. Shop carefully using acid free tissue paper for delicate items and moth balls / cedar wood wool.
